UIB dictionary
absence, n
Failure to attend a mandatory class or sit an examination.
absenteeism, n
A student's repeated absence throughout a school year.
absolute majority, n
A voting system requiring a number of votes constituting more than half of the total membership for agreements to be adopted.
N.B. Most agreements require a simple majority for approval. Where other majority types apply, this must be specifically stated.
Acadèmic, n
CA Acadèmic, m
ES Acadèmic, m
An admin management tool where students can enrol, check their enrolment, change it, manage payments, and view their academic record and schedule.
academic adaptation, n
CA adaptació acadèmica, f
ES adaptación académica, f
An educational strategy mainly aimed at students with special educational needs that comprises adapting the curriculum of a specific education level with a view to making certain objectives or content more accessible based on the needs of these students.
academic ceremony, n
An event that is officially promoted and organised by any governing body at the university, regardless of whether it is held at external facilities or locations.
Academic Commission of the University of Balearic Islands, n
The commission that advises the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, reports on the content and quality of study programmes at the UIB and provides guidance on academic and lecturer assessment procedures.
N.B. The commission comprises the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs as chair, deans, university college directors, the head of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and five students selected by and from those sitting on the Governing Council.
academic council, n
The highest independent body for student representation at a university, responsible for channelling and coordinating this representation at the institution.
academic fees, n pl
The amount paid by university students to enrol on a course and receive instruction.
N.B. This amount will depend on whether the student enrols for official or non-official courses, and whether the university is public or private.
academic fraud, n
This refers to instances where students infringe academic regulations at a school, university or any other educational institution.
academic freedom, n
CA llibertat de càtedra, f
ES libertad de cátedra, f
The fundamental right of teachers/lecturers and the profession, embodied by freedom of expression, where said professionals are able to teach subjects without fear or repression, job loss or imprisonment.
academic management, n
CA gestió acadèmica, f
ES gestión académica, f
A procedure mainly aimed at planning and coordinating all administratives procedures that arise during students' time in academe and at university.
academic pathway, n
academic track, n
Learning pathway which complements the student's academic training by means of the sequential grouping of subjects, courses or their counterparts.
academic progress regulations, n pl
attendance requirements, n pl
CA règim de permanència, m
ES régimen de permanencia, m
Regulations governing aspects such as the number of credits to be passed each academic year, the number of years to finish a programme, the minimum and maximum enrolment credits for each year, the number of enrolments available to students, etc.
academic record, n
transcript, n
CA expedient acadèmic, m
ES expediente académico, m
A set of documents in which administrative and academic information regarding a student is stated, such as the subjects studied, the centres or faculties in which these subjects are studied and the marks obtained.
academic record transfer, n
CA trasllat d’expedient, m
ES traslado de expediente, m
An administrative procedure undertaken where, after having started a university course at one university, students decide to continue said course or begin a new one at a different university.
academic regulations, pl n
CA reglament acadèmic, m
ES reglamento académico, m
Regulations that govern fundamental aspects of academic affairs such as enrolment, how teaching is organised, assessment and finalising studies through equivalence.
access, n
entry, n
CA accés, m
ES acceso, m
The right of all individuals to access university studies as per the terms and conditions set out in the legal system.
acces procedure, n
Set of requirements that students must attain to gain entry the university.
accreditation, n
A procedure aimed at verifying the requirements to be fulfilled by an individual, education professional or institution to attain accreditations.
active service status, n
The administrative status of a civil servant working at any public administration, body or institution in their appointed role.
N.B. Active service status applies to the following civil servants: those holding and working in a fully-funded position; those awaiting permanent appointment; those on secondment, and those on authorised leaves of absence whose position is guaranteed upon their return.
activity report, n
A document setting out the results of activities that have been carried out over a period of time or regarding future projects at an administration, service, unit, etc.
addition of courses, n
extended enrolment, n
extended registration, n
CA ampliació de matrícula, f
ES ampliación de matrícula, f
The period during which students can add new subjects to their enrolment.
N.B. This period is established by the centre in charge of each degree or by the Vice-Rector responsible for academic affairs.
additional enrolment, n
Students may request an additional enrolment where they have reached the limit of ordinary enrolments for a subject and not obtained a pass mark.
administrative and service staff, n
Abbreviation PAS, n
Staff members responsible for technical, financial and administrative management. They also provide support, advice and assistance to academic authorities in the performance of their duties.
N.B. 1 Admin and services staff comprise civil servants and non-statutory employees, and are supervised by the Office of the Head of Administration.
N.B. 2 In accordance with Organic Law 2/2023 of 22nd March on the Universtiy System, Administration and Services Staff (PAS) will now be known as Technical, Management, and Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS).
administrative act, n
A unilateral statement of intent, judgement, knowledge or purpose made by a public administration in the performance of its duties.
administrative fees, n pl
CA taxes administratives, f pl
ES tasas administrativas, f pl
The amount students must pay to take official university courses, register for assessment exams or request the issuance of official academic and administrative documents.
administrative status, n
A set of rights, duties and obligations applicable to civil service staff throughout their employment relationship with the public administration.
admission, n
CA admissió, f
ES admisión, f
Allocating available places on undergraduate degree programmes to applicants who fulfil the entry requirements.
admission call, n
CA convocatòria d’admissió, f
ES convocatoria de admisión, f
A procedure whereby a series of undergraduate degree places are offered and allocated in accordance with an admission procedure.
admission grade,n
admission mark, n
entry grade,n
entry mark, n
CA nota d’admissió, f
ES nota de admisión, f
The mark set for the order of precedence in an admission call, amongst other criteria, for admission purposes onto a degree programme.
NB. The mark will be calculated for each application to a specific degree course by adding the general admission mark to specific mark/s from certain subjects.
admission list, n
CA llista d’admesos, f
ES lista de admitidos, f
A list of accepted students on a university course after pre-registration and where all requirements have been verified and fulfilled.
admission procedure, n
CA procediment d’admissió, m
ES procedimiento de admisión, m
A set of activities aimed at allocating available places for official degree programmes at the university to applicants who fulfil the entry requirements as per the order of precedence.
admission test, n
CA prova d’admissió, f
ES prueba de admisión, f
A specific assessment of knowledge and/or skills to raise the admission mark or amend the terms and conditions that establish the order of precedence for allocating places.
affiliated centre, n
CA centre adscrit, m
ES centro adscrito, m
A public or private teaching institution affiliated to the UIB through an agreement or other cooperation methods. These centres run programmes leading to official qualifications valid throughout Spain certified by the university and subject to its academic supervision.
affiliated institute, n
A research centre affiliated with other public or private organisations which signs an agreement or establishes other cooperation methods with the university.
agreement, n
A document where parties express their desire to cooperate in specific areas through activities such as lecturer and student exchanges, publication exchanges, joint research, providing, etc.
alumni portal, n
student portal, n
CA Portal de l’alumnat, m
ES Portal del estudiante, m
A support portal for students offering different services such as information on the documents they need to submit during their courses, searching for information, didactic recourses, tools for interpersonal communication, training, etc.
answer key, n
scoring key, n
A book or part thereof, or a guide containing the answers for formulae, exercises, work or examinations undertaken by students.
appointment, n
An arrangement made between two or more individuals on a specific date, at a specific time and in a specific location to discuss a certain matter.
aptitude test, n
personal aptitude test, n
Abbreviation PAP, n
CA prova d’aptitud personal, f
Sigla PAP, f
ES prueba de aptitud personal, f
Sigla PAP, f
A test taken by students for admission to degree programmes.
N.B. The personal aptitude test is currently taken at the UIB for admission to the degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education (PAP_EDU).
area of research, n
line of research, n
A central topic whose study is deemed a priority for developing knowledge in a specific field and enables integration for a set of research projects.
assess, to, v tr
The process of identifying and verifying students' knowledge, skills and performance with a view to observing and analysing how their learning is progressing.
assessment, n
CA avaluació, f
ES evaluación, f
A stage of the educational process that aims to verify how the proposed pedagogical objectives are achieved.
assessment adaptation, n
CA adaptació de l’avaluació, f
ES adaptación de la evaluación, f
An adjustment in a student test aimed at responding to special educational needs.
N.B. Providing an exam paper in a larger font or granting additional time to finish an exam are examples of assessment adaptation.
audit, n
An internal or external inspection of different academic or management procedures.
auditor, n
non-enrolled student, n
A student who is allowed to attend classes or other academic activities they are not enrolled on.
Aula digital, f
CA Aula digital, f
ES Aula digital, f
A teaching support tool that enables lecturers to make educational material for their programme available to students, such as basic content, supplementary material, assessment activities, self-assessment exercises, etc., as well as use different functions on the platform that support interaction with students or undertaking learning activities.
b-learning, n
blended learning, n
Learning that combines in-person and remote sessions.
bachelor’s degree,n
CA títol de grau, m
ES título de grado, m
The degree that a student obtains after completing the bachelor’s degree studies.
bachelor’s degree studies, n pl
CA estudis de grau, m pl
ES estudios de grado, m pl
Official studies whose purpose is that students obtain a general formation for their professional future, according to the structure of university studies adapted to the European higher education area.
N.B. The degree takes four years to complete and carries a total of 240 European credits. At the end, students obtain the bachelor’s degree.
bachelor’s thesis, n
ES trabajo de fin de grado, m
Sigla TFG, m
Project which degree students have to write and defend in their fourth academic year so as to obtain the degree, having previously passed all the credits of the subjects in their basic training being a requirement in order to enroll in it.
N.B. The bachelor’s thesis must have a minimum extension of 6 credits and a maximum of 18.
basic remuneration, n
The legally recognised remuneration paid to all civil servants in accordance wiht their category and seniority.
N.B. Basic remuneration includes base salary, three-year seniority bonuses and extraordinary compensation.
basic training subject, n
A subject that includes the basic contents of a branch of knowledge.
N.B. Each bachelor's degree must contain at least 60 credits in basic training. These credits must be recognized in all the bachelor's degrees of the same branch of knowledge.
basic unit, n
A unit with sufficient human and financial resources, and dedicated to supporting and inspecting different university services, in addition to health, psychological and pedagogical assistance and career guidance services.
best practice, n
A set of exemplary initiatives promoted by educational institutions which aim to improve learning processes for students. They may also be replicated at other institutions or organisations.
blended subject, n
A subject where teaching is split between face-to-tace and remote student attendance. In this sense, in-person attendance represents between 25% and 75% fo total class hours.
branch of knowledge, n
CA branca de coneixement, f
ES rama de conocimiento, f
Each of the five branches in which studies are organized in the European higher education area: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law, and Engineering and Architecture.
budget, n
A document containing a university's income and expenditure. The budget must be a single, balanced and publicly available document.
N.B. It must contain all planned income and expenses for the fiscal year, and break expenses down into current and capital expenditure.
B2 level English, n
CA anglès B2, m
ES inglés B2, m
The level of English that students must achieve to obtain the bachelor’s degree.
campus community, n
university community, n
A community comprising lecturers, researchers, students, and admin and services staff at universities.
Campus Extens (Distance Learning), n
CA Campus Extens, m
ES Campus Extens, m
Online teaching service which can be accessed by UIB professors and students through the use of information and communication technologies, with a progressive and constantly developing range of offered studies which allow competition with European and Ibero-American universities.
cancellation deadline, n
cut-off date, n
deadline, n
The final date where an individual must confirm and formalise a request/application.
careers service, n
employment pool, n
An information management system to notify potential applicants of job offers and applications at an organisation or company.
centre of higher education, n
A centre of education, generally a university, where teaching and research activities are undertaken.
certify, to, v tr
To authenticate a document, procedure or fact by means of a certificate.
chair, n
A set of activities and individuals dedicated to higher study, research and lecturing on a subject at a university.
citizen science, n
Systematic data collection and analysis, technology development, mapping natural phenomena and outreach activities undertaken by researchers and the general public.
city university centre, n
A centre set up in collaboration with city councils aimed at providing university students, pre-university students and the general public with facilities where they can collect informations on the broad selection of university courses, organise educational and cultural activities, etc.
civil service, n
public service, n
1. Service provided by different public administrations through employees and institutions in order to fulfil specific goals and their ultimate purpose, i.e. public interest.
2. A set of rights and duties inherent to the legal ties between public administrations and their staff which helps to define the employment relationship between central, regional and local government and employees.
clashing dates, n pl
overlapping dates, n pl
CA coincidència de dates, f
EScoincidencia de fechas, f
Clashing exam schedules for two subjects on the same degree or combined programme where under three hours separate the end of one exam from the start of the next, with regard to supplementary and extraordinary assessment periods for undergraduate and master’s subjects.
class, n
class group, n
A set of students taking the same subject, level, degree or cycle who normally share the same classroom.
class hour, n
An hour of classroom-based or remote teaching.
classroom, n
lecture hall, n
A space at a centre of education where teachers or lecturers hold classes.
co-author, n
joint author, n
An author who writes or has written a piece of work in collaboration with other authors.
co-authorship, n
joint authorship, n
Joint production of a piece of work by two or more authors.
co-financing, n
co-funding, n
joint financing, n
joint funding, n
Supplementary financial allocations which are generally granted by another institution and are necessary to develop R&D projects, organise conferences, purchase equipment, etc.
collaboration grant, n
CA beca de col·laboració, f
ES beca de colaboración, f
A grant addressed to university students so that they can perform various tasks in a university department or service.
collective bargaining, n
A negotiation process geared towards regulating working conditions through collective agreements, covenants and accords reached by employee representatives, business organisations and public administrations.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, n
Abbreviation CEFR, n
CA marc europeu comú de referència per a les llengües, m
Sigla MECR, m
ES marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas, m
Sigla MCER, m
A common European system that provides a method for learning and assessing languages whose main purpose is to ensure the equivalence between all the official certificates of universities and academies.
N.B. The framework divides the linguistic competence into six levels: from lowest to highest, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.
competence, n
CA competència, f
ES competencia, f
The capability shown by students that results from an effective use of internal and external resources in real learning situations or in a professional context.
N.B. It is a combination of practical abilities, knowledge, motivations, ethic values, attitudes, emotions and other social and behavioural components required to achieve an effective performance.
competitive procedure for full civil servants to fill avalilable positions, n
The ordinary procedure for full civil sevants to fill available positions. It comprises assessment of candidates' merits and abilities and, where applicable, aptitude by technical collegiate bodies to select the most suitable candidates.
complementary assessment, n
CA avaluació complementària, f
ES evaluación complementaria, f
An assessment carried out at the end of each semester in which both failed or not carried out activities of continuous assessment and final assessments can be programmed.
conditions for remaining at the university, n
CA règim de permanència, m
ES régimen de permanencia, m
The rules established by the Social Council that regulate the attendance of students in a university.
conference, n
congress, n
A meeting of a group of specialists in a subject to look into issues linked to their activity and draw conclusions over several working days.
Constitution, n
The supreme law of the land in Spain. It establishes and guarantees citizens' rights and duties, and governs the system of power by defining its bodies, methods and functions, as well as the procedure to totally partially reform it.
content block, n
Content groups belonging to the same topic.
continuous assessment, n
CA avaluació contínua, f
CA avaluació continuada, f
ES evaluación continua, f
An educational assessment carried out throughout the educational process that informs students and teachers about the learning process, the achieved competences according to the proposed objectives and the problems encountered while learning.
N.B. Continuous assessment has to be based on mid-term exams, papers or projects, reports of practical sessions and tasks, among others. At least, 50% of the final mark of a subject must depend on continuous assessment.
contract staff, n
non-civil service staff, n
Public sector workers hired through an employment contract.
cooperation programme, n
A programme that sets up a collaboration between two or more intitutions, countries or organisations with the aim of attaining agreed development goals and contributing to the advancement nations.
core subject, n
CA assignatura troncal, f
ES asignatura troncal, f
A subject that includes the basic contents of an official degree and that students must study in order to obtain all the required credits.
core training subject, n
A general subject in an area of specialisation that is not strictly specific to a degree programme.
correct, to, v tr
mark, to, v tr
The process of marking and correcting errors in student examinations or work, generally to award a grade.
course guide, n
CA guia docent, f
ES guía docente, f
A document in which all the aspects of a particular subject are described.
N.B. Objectives, competences, programm, methodology, bibliography, teachers, groups, teaching techniques and academic activities are detailed in the course guide.
credit recognition, n
recognised credit transfer, n
CA reconeixement de crèdits, m
ES reconocimiento de créditos, m
Acceptance by a university of credits that have been taken on an official programme at the same university or a different one and are counted on other programmes for the purposes of being awarded an official qualification.
curricular placements, n pl
Placements included on curricula and assigned academic credits based on their length and intensity. Students must be registered on the corresponding subject and fulfil all requirements set out in the curriculum.
P.B. Placements may be undertaken at companies, organisations and institutions, including the UIB itself. As training placements, in no way do they give rise to any obligations inherent to employment contracts.
curriculum, n
study programme, n
CA pla d’estudis, m
ES plan de estudios, m
The programme of a particular degree that structures in years, stages and periods all the contents, subjects and activities that have to be developed and whose successful completion leads to an official university degree.
cut-off grade, n
cut-off mark, n
CA nota de tall, f
ES nota de corte, f
Admission mark for the last allocated application, considering the order of precedence for places.
N.B. There is a cut-off mark for each degree programme, campus and the percentage of specific reserved places.
cut-off mark[UK], n
minimum grades [DS], n
CA nota de tall, f
ES nota de corte, f
The minimum mark required to gain admission to a particular university studies that is calculated according to supply and demand, so it changes every year.
cycle, n
A specific number of teaching days comprinsing a set block and spread across programme years and teaching activities, in accordance with the academic calendar.
data protection, n
data security, n
A set of methods and techniques aimed at improving data security and preventing access by unauthorised individuals, as well as loss and accidental or intentional damage thereof.
CA degà -ana, m i f
ES decano -na,m i f
A teacher and director of a faculty that represents it before the educative authorities and that coordinates its functions and activities.
debate, n
A discussion about a topic, involving two or more people with differing opinions. These events are generally organised and run by a moderator.
decision, n
resolution, n
A provision effecting one or more specific individuals or situations.
N.B. The following are authorised to issue them: the Social Council, the Governing Council and the Executive Council, via the President and Vice Chancellor, the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor and the Secretary General.
degree graduation ceremony, n
An annual academic ceremony to acknowledge students who have successfully fulfilled the academic requirements on a curriculum leading to the award of an undergraduate degree.
delegate of the Rector, n
delegate of the Vice-Chacellor, n
CA delegat –ada del rector, m i f
ES delegado –da del rector, m i f
One-person body that can be appointed by the rector, under his responsibility, in order to improve the performance of his functions.
department, n
CA departament, m
ES departamento, m
Organizational division of university studies in subject areas.
digital certificate, n
e-certificate, n
electronic certificate, n
A certificate that is digitally signed by a certifying authority linking authentication details to a signatory to confirm their identity.
digital services portal, n
e-services portal, n
A webside providing online access to information, services and electronic procedures managed and administered by the UIB. It is an access point for the academic community, the general public, corporations and public administrations.
N.B. The administrative procedures performed on the digital services portal have the same validity as those done in person.
Diploma Supplement, n
European Diploma Supplement, n
Sigla DS,n
ES suplemento europeo al título, m
The annexe attached to an official degree that provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the successfully completed studies.
N.B. The European Diploma Supplement improves international transparency and facilitates the academic and professional recognition of qualifications.
discount, n
CA bonificació, f
ES bonificación, f
A tuition fee deduction for students who accredit the required personal circumstances.
N.B. Discount terms and conditions: a grant from the Ministry of Education, general large family, special large family, etc.
discretionary appointment through an open call for full civil servants to take up specific positions, n
A procedure to discretionally appoint full civil servants to specific positions. Candidate suitability is determined by the relevant selection body on the basis of the position's rerquirements. These generally include a high level of responsibility and discretion.
distinction, m
with honours, m
An academic grade awarded as an added distinction to the top mark. It provides students with the right to free tuition in the next academic year.
diversity unit, n
A basic unit responsible for cross-cutting coordination in designing inclusive and anti-discriminatory policies for all university activities and duties.
N.B. Individual university statutes set out how this unit operate. This unit must include a disability assistance service.
Do No Significant Harm principle, n
Abbreviation DNSH, n
A set of environmental targets for research-and innovation-related activities aimed at causing no significant harm to the environment.
N.B. The targets are climate change mitigation; climate change adaptation; sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; transition to the circular economy; pollution prevention and control, and the protection and restoration of biodiversity and the ecosystem.
Doctor honoris causa conferment ceremony, n
A solemn academic ceremony where the university's top academic distinction is awarded to standout individuals in the field of research or teaching or in nurturing the arts and humanities, as well as any activity that the university deems to have a major relevant impact in academe, science, art, culture, technology or society.
N.B. The Governing Council takes the corresponding regulations as a basis to determine the legal framework in which to award a doctor honoris cause degree.
doctoral hooding ceremony, n
A ceremony held to acknowledge the efforts made by individuals who have successfully completed their doctoral thesis.
doctoral studies, n pl
CA estudis de doctorat, m pl
ES estudios de doctorado, m pl
University studies required to obtain the doctorate or doctor’s degree.
doctoral thesis, n
PhD thesis, n
CA tesi doctoral, f
ES tesis doctoral, f
Original research work in any area of knowledge produced by doctorands under the supervision of an experienced and accredited researcher holding a PhD. Doctorands must submit their thesis to the corresponding university faculty.
doctorand, n
PhD student, n
A university graduate who is preparing a doctoral thesis leading to the award of a PhD degree, which includes undertaking a viva voce examination.
doctorate, n
doctoral degree, n
CA doctorat, m
ES doctorado, m
A university degree that proves that a person has passed the doctoral studies and the doctoral thesis.
document authentication, n
EN document authentication, n
An administrative procedure generally used to verify that an original document has been officially issued by the relevant authority. This does not refer to authorities attesting certification or translation.
double degree, n
CA doble titulació, f
ES doble titulación, f
A specific curricular pathway at the university that enables students to take two degrees at he same tame. Moreover, this pathway ensures content is not duplicated and there is an accreditation table for areas and subjects in line with content and skill equivalence.
N.B. These double programmes last longer than a single programme. Nonetheless, their length is much shorter than taking two separate programmes consecutively.
dropping out, n
withdrawal, n
This refers to when students drop out from their study programme.
N.B. Dropping out from university programmes includes students who transfer to another university to do the same programme, those who transfer from one programme to another at the same university, and those who withdraw from their programme and drop out of the university system.
e-administration, n
e-government, n
electronic administration, n
A public administration system where information and communication technology is used to support public policies, expedite procedures for the general public, speed up file processing, save costs, remove territorial barriers and boost equality, and establish bidirectional with stakeholders involved.
e-learning, n
online learning, n
Learning involving the use of electronic media and devices to access training content and activities on the basis of interaction, flexibility and a collaborative approach to knowledge building.
N.B. Educational models may be exclusively based on e-learning or combine it with other learning methods.
Economic Commission of the Governing Council, n
CA Comissió Econòmica del Consell de Govern, f
ES Comisión Económica del Consejo de Gobierno, f
A body involved in drafting, implementing, modifying, settling and supervising the university budget, as well as producing the multi-year programme.
N.B. It comprises the President and Vice Chancellor, or delegated Pro-Vice-Chancellor, as chair, the Head of Administration and five Governing Council members: three lecturers, one student and a PTGAS representative.
ECTS credit, n
CA crèdit ECTS, m
CA crèdit europeu, m
ES crédito ECTS, m
ES crédito europeo, m
A unit of measurement of the academic activity of students, expressed in hours, that includes both lectures and practical classes and the time spent on studying and taking exams.
N.B. 1: The ECTS credit structures and organises curriculums according to the European Credit Transfer System. A credit corresponds to 25 hours of student work.
N.B. 2: The abbreviation ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System.
educational management, n
A process aimed at optimising learning projects and teaching procedures in line with instructor and student requirements. It includes activities supporting all necessary admin, financial and stakeholder components.
effectiveness, n
The level at which planned activities are undertaken and planned outcomes are attained in line with set standards.
efficiency, n
The relationship between attained outcomes and the resources used.
elected member, n
An individual taking a seat as a member of a collegiate body after obtaining the necessary support in the relevant voting procedure.
elective subject, n
A subject selected by students from the available elective subjects on the corresponding degree programme.
Electoral Commission of the University of the Balearic Islands, n
The Commission supervising election procedures, as well as declaring results and deciding on any submitted challenges.
N.B. It comprises the President and Vice Chancellor or delegated Pro-Vice-Chancellor, as chair; the Secretary General, as commission secretary; two representatives from the teaching faculty, two student representatives and a PTGAS representative, elected by and from Governing Council members.
electronic signature, n
digital signature, n
An electronic dataset established with other or associated data that may be used as an identity method by the signatory.
N.B. This signature means that an official certificate has been issued by a body or institution to validate the individual's signature and identity.
English B2, n
enrol, to, v tr
The process of registering the name of an individual for tuition.
enrolment, n
registration, n
CA matrícula, f
ES matrícula, f
Enrolment of an admitted student on an academic training programme.
enrolment cancellation, n
CA anul·lació de matrícula, f
ES anulación de matrícula, f
A request to withdraw from one, several or all subjects.
N.B. Partial enrolment cancellation’ is used when the requested withdrawal affects one or several subjects; ‘Full enrolment cancellation’ is used when the withdrawal affects all subjects.
enrolment terms and conditions, n pl
CA condicions de matrícula, f pl
ES condiciones de matrícula, f pl
A set of terms and conditions that students accept and the regulations with which they need to comply to receive academic and administrative services from the university. Additionally, students indicate the type of data transfer they accept and, in specific instances, whether they authorise the university to check if they have no convictions for sexual offences (certificate of sexual offences).
entrance requirements, n
CA procediment d’accés, m
ES procedimiento de acceso, m
A set of requirements that students must have to be accepted at a university.
entrance exam for over-25s, n
entry for over-25s, n
A university entrance exam that must be taken by over-25a who do not possess sufficient academic qualifications to enrol for official undergraduate programmes.
entry requirement, n
CA requisit d’accés, m
ES requisito de acceso, m
A set of conditions in order to take official undergraduate degrees at the UIB that must be fulfilled prior to admission at the university.
equality unit, n
A basic unit responsible for advising, coordinating and evaluating gender equality mainstreaming across university policies, as well as including the gender perspective in all university activities and responsabilities.
N.B. Individual university statutes set out how this unit operate.
equivalence, n
validation, n
CA convalidació, f
ES convalidación, f
An administrative procedure whereby an educational institution validates training taken at and accredited by a different educational institution, and grants it the same academic and professional validity.
Erasmus Programme, n
A programme aimed at supporting the educational, professional and personal development of individuals in the fields of education, training, youth and sport via continuous learning. It is run within and outside Europe, and contributes to sustainable growth, quality employment and social cohesion, as well as promoting innovation, and strengthening a sense of European identity and active citizenship.
N.B. Erasmus comes from the English term European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.
European Diploma Supplement, n
Diploma Supplement, n
Sigla DS, n
CA suplement europeu al títol, m
Sigla SET, m
ES suplemento europeo al título, m
Sigla SET, m
The annexe attached to an official degree that provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the successfully completed studies.
N.B. The European Diploma Supplement improves international transparency and facilitates the academic and professional recognition of qualifications.
European higher education area, n
Sigla EHEA, n
CA espai europeu d’educació superior, m
Sigla EEES, m
ES espacio europeo de educación superior, m
Sigla EEES, m
Higher education organization whose purpose is to harmonize and unify all the educational systems of the European Union in order to facilitate exchanges between students and teachers and to enhance the transparency and compatibility of studies, degrees and diplomas.
evidence, n
Empirical, objective data that demonstrate performance of an activity.
ex officio member, n
A member of a body who is part of it by virtue of holding another position. Therefore, no selection or appointment procedure is required.
exam record, n
examination results, n
CA acta, f
ES acta, f
A formal document that specifies the marks obtained in an exam by students.
examination session, n
examination sitting, n
CA convocatòria d’examen, f
ES convocatoria de examen, f
A document by which students are summoned on a specific day, place and time to take an evaluation text of a certain subject.
executive agreement, n
A provision approved by the Executive Council affecting a wide range of individuals or situations.
exemption, n
CA exempció, f
ES exención, f
Total or partial payment exemption from public tuition fees for students whose personal circumstances, after being accredited, have specific regulations at the university.
exercise, n
1. An assignment that puts into practice the rules, knowledge, etc. provided in a lecture, lesson, etc.
2. Activities that may be included in certain examinations.
extended enrolment, n
extended registration, n
addition of courses, n
CA ampliació de matrícula, f
ES ampliación de matrícula, f
The period during which students can add new subjects to their enrolment.
N.B. This period is established by the centre in charge of each degree or by the Vice-Rector responsible for academic affairs.
external placements, n pl
A set of training activities undertaken by students at companies, or public or private organisations, and supervised by the university. According to regulations, their purpose is to supplement students' academic training to support them in attaining social and labour skills.
extracurricular placements, n pl
Placements undertaken voluntarily by students during their learning. Although not included on curricula, they may be subject to credit recognition.
P.B. Placements may be undertaken at companies, organisations and institutions, including the UIB itself. As trining placements, in no way do they give rise to any obligations inherent to employment contracts. These placements are managed by the DOIP or other organisations.
extraordinary assessment, n
CA avaluació extraordinària, f
ES evaluación extraordinaria, f
An additional assessment carried out at the end of the teaching period of a subject.
face-to-face learning, n
in-class learning, n
Learning where access to training activities and content takes place in the same physical space by lecturers and students.
face-to-face subject, n
in-person subject, n
A subject where lecturers teach over 70% of classes to students face to face.
faculty, n
CA facultat, f
ES facultad, f
A university centre comprising one or several related subject areas and in which specific or related studies conducive to university degrees are taught.
faculty assembly, n
A participation body for lecturers in order for them to contribute to governance at a centre of education. The assembly is responsible for planning, coordinating, reporting and, where applicable, deciding on all academic aspects and issues at the institution.
fail, to, v tr
Being awarded a 'fail' mark in an examination, course, piece of work, etc.
FAIR principles, n pl
A set of principles aimed at making research data easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable. They are geared towards data authors and publishers to promote comprehensive use of research data.
N.B. FAIR stands for findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability.
fit note, n
sick note, n
A note issued by healthcare professionals to provide evidence regarding an employee’s fitness for work. For example, it records illnesses, accidents and high-risk pregnancies.
for-credit internships, n pl
CA pràctiques curriculars, f pl
ES prácticas curriculares, f pl
Curricula-integrated internship with an assignation of academic credits in regards to the duration and intensity, for the realization of which the student must be enrolled in the corresponding subject and fulfill all the requeriments specified in the syllabus.
N.B. The internships can be carried out in companies, organizations or institutions, including the UIB. As these are primarily formative in inature none of the obligations assigned to an employment contract are derived from them.
form, n
A hard-copy or electronic document to be filled in with required details for a procedure or request.
foundation course, n
introductory course, n
CA assignatura de formació bàsica, f
ES asignatura de formación básica, f
A subject that includes the basic contents of a branch of knowledge.
N.B. Each bachelor’s degree must contain at least 60 credits in basic training. These credits must be recognized in all the bachelor’s degrees of the same branch of knowledge.
foundation, n
A non-profit organisation that supports different types of ongoing activities in the public interest. It is generallyn a legal entity.
free-elective subject, n
A subject that may not be related with a particular curriculum and the students have the option to study in order to obtain all the required credits, in the university in which they are enrolled, in another university or in a company with which the university has a collaboration programme or convention.
full civil servant, n
An individual who is legally appointed to a salaried position in public administration on a permanent basis. The appointment is governed by administrative law.
N.B. Full civil servant status is attained by fulfilling the following requirements: passing a selection process and being appointed by the relevant body or authority. This appointment must be published in the relevant official gazette.
general competence, n
generic competence,n
CA competència general, f
CA competència genèrica, f
CA competència transversal, f
ES competencia general, f
ES competencia genérica, f
ES competencia transversal, f
The competence that is shared by several professions or fields of knowledge and that is essential for the personal development of a student.
General State Administration, n
The sole public administration in Spain with powers throughout the country. It comprises different government bodies.
gifted student, n
Student with intellectual potential and an ability for learning that stands far above the average for their age range.
N.B. This is a generic term that covers different kinds of students, including the highly gifted and those with specific single or multiple talents, or intellectual precocity.
government-regulated fees, n pl
public fees, n pl
CA preus públics, m pl
ES precios públicos, m pl
Fees set by the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands to provide academic services at the University of the Balearic Islands.
graduation ceremony, n
The official closing ceremony of the academic year that recognises students having completed the academic requirements on a curriculum, generally an undergraduate degree programme.
grant, n
CA beca, f
ES beca, f
An economic aid received by a person to conduct studies or research, usually considering the applicant’s socio-economic circumstances or his/her academic achievement.
grantholder, n
CA becari -ària, m i f
ES becario -ria, m i f
The student or researcher that has received a grant.
group work, n
teamwork, n
A system of organising learning activities in classrooms, where students are split into groups for a specific exercise or assignment. The main aim is to raise peer interaction through collaborative tasks.HH
halls of residence, n pl
student housing, n
higher education, n
horizontal career growth, n
A horizontal career growth plan is a way to progress in a job without changing positions. It involves the organisation issuing the call and candidates submitting an application where their professional experience, duties and quality are assessed, in addition to skill acquisition and transfer, having undertaken particularly difficult positions and their overall performance review.
N.B. The purpose of horizontal career growth is to attain the highest professional category and corresponding salary bonus.
improvement plan, n
An organic set of educational management measures based on a comprehensive diagnostic. These mesaures aim to improve academic quality at an institution or on a programme.
independent assessment, n
Assessment performed by lecturers or external examiners.
N.B. As opposed to self-assessment.
information society, n
knowledge society, n
A type of society characterised by new ways of organising work, education, culture, economic relations and communication between individuals based on the development and implementation of information and communication technology.
institutional assessment, n
A reflection and analysis assessment process aimed at spotting strengths and weaknesses, and proposing improvement activities in the framework of teaching and learning for students.
internal promotion, n
A regulated professional progression method for full civil servants and permanent contract staff (who undertake duties or hold positions inherent to full civil service). The procedure provides workers with a proven track record at an organisation with the opportunity to take up positions with greater responsibility.
interuniversity, adj
Affecting more than one university.
interuniversity institute, n
An institute that undertakes activities across serveral universities.
interim civil servant, n
An individual who temporarily holds a position normally occupied by a full civil servant. They are appointed to replace the current holder, or due to increased workload or temporary programmes.
internationalisation, n
Fostering and expanding the international outlook of programmes at the university and their availability through a series of activities such as promoting specific internationalisation plans, producing specific programmes involving lecturers and students from overseas, etc.
issue, to, v tr
Emit a written certificate or other official documents.
job opening, n
vacancy, n
joint degree, n
CA titulació conjunta, f
ES titulación conjunta, f
Different degree programmes taught in collaboration with two or more higher education institutions in different regions or countries. They are based on a single jointly designed curriculum with specific credits taught at each institution. This is all set out in a collaboration agreement.
joint institute, n
An institute jointly established with public research bodies, national health centres, or other non-profit public or private research centres.
keyword, n
A word or phrase used to enter a command on a computer or mobile phone, or find information on a given topic in a search engine.
knowledge transfer, n
Abbreviation KT, n
The process through which the knowledge arising from research conducted at universities is transferred to other areas of society, so as to ensure that scientific and technological advances reach a wider number of users, and that they can be further developed and exploited in future products, applications, services, etc.
language normalisation, n
language standardisation, n
The socio-cultural process that involves codifying a language through spelling, grammar and lexical rules, and ensuring that it is used in all areas of society.
large group, n
CA gran grup, m
CA grup gran, m
ES gran grupo, m
ES grupo grande, m
A group of students that may comprise more than one class group or students from several class groups for situations such as attending audiovisual screenings, artistic performances or masterclass lectures.
learning, n
A process to acquire knowledge, skills, and cultural traits or patterns arising from study, experience or teaching.
learning portfolio, n
student portfolio, n
A dossier of work produced by a student with a view to aoutlining the work undertaken over a specific period of time and demonstrating their learning and academic progress. It is also used as a self-assessment tool.
leave of absence status, n
The administrative status of a civil servant who has requested a temporary unpaid leave of absence.
lecture, n
masterclass, n
An oral lecture on a topic given by a lecturer or professor and not involving student participation.
lecturing, n
teaching, n
The professional practice of teaching and/or lecturing.
N.B. Lecturing is commonly used in further and higher education.
level test, n
placement test, n
A test aimed at verifying the language skills of students or other groups to place them into a standard-level groups for them to receive appropriate teaching for their verified level.
mandatory subject, n
A subject with specific content on a degree programme that matches the specific programme skills, and which students must take to fulfil the required credits programme.
mark [UK], n
grade [US], n
CA nota, f
CA qualificació, f
ES nota, f
ES calificación, f
A quantitative or qualitative evaluation of a subject, exam or task for a future educative assessment.
N.B. Marks are numerical, from 0 to 10, and are written with a decimal. They correspond to the following qualitative qualification: fail (0,0-4,9), pass (5,0-6,9), good (7,0-8,9) and excellent (9,0-10).
mark, to, v tr
To give an examination or assignment a mark.
master, n
Specialised or multidisciplinary postgraduate studies with a professional, academic or research focus, taught at universities and leading to the award of a master's degree.
master’s degree, n
CA títol de màster, m
ES título de màster, m
The degree that a student obtains after completing the master’s degree studies.
master’s degree studies, n pl
CA estudis de màster, m pl
ES estudios de màster, m pl
Postgraduate official studies whose purpose is that students obtain an advanced and specialized or multidisciplinary formation, with a professional, academic or research orientation, according to the university studies adapted to the European higher education area.
N.B. The master’s degree carries a total of 60 or 120 European credits. At the end, students obtain the master’s degree.
master’s thesis, n
Sigla TFM, m
Project which master’s students have to write and publicly defend at the final stage of their curriculum in order to obtain the master’s degree, oriented towards either professional specialization or research, in accordance to the curriculum’s contents.
N.B. The master’s thesis must have a minimum extension of 6 credits and a maximum of 30.
medium group, n
mid-size group, n
CA grup mitjà, m
ES grupo medio, m
An adjusted student group size for seminars, workshops or other activities that require participation by all group members in a single session.
mention, n
specialisation, n
CA menció, f
ES mención, f
A curricular pathway where students specialise in certain subjects on a degree programme with a view to obtaining in-depth knowledge about the area in question.
N.B. The name of the mention/specialisation is included on the degree certificate.
mid-term examination, n
An examination partially covering the content included on a subject.
minimum grades [US], n
cut-off mark[UK], n
CA nota de tall, f
ES nota de corte, f
The minimum mark required to gain admission to a particular university studies that is calculated according to supply and demand, so it changes every year.
minutes, n pl
record, n
A formal document confirming a fact, convention, obligation, deliberation, agreement, statement of intent, etc., for the record.
minutes of a meeting, n pl
record of a meeting, n
A document recording the matters discussed and agreements reached at a meeting.
N.B. Minutes generally comprise the following information: date, time, place, attendees and absentees, agenda, progress of the meeting, agreeements reached and unsettled issues.
mission, n
The fundamental purpose of an organisation with regard to its scope of activities and society.
mobility and exchange programme, n
CA programa de mobilitat i intercanvi, m
ES programa de movilidad e intercambio, m
A programme that offers students the chance to do part of their studies at another university around the world or to undertake placements at companies in a European Union country.
mobility student, n
A student who spends a period of his/her studies at another university, whether national overseas, with which there is a student exchange agreement or programme in place, such as ERASMUS, SICUE or DRAC.
(name of university)-specific degree,n
CA títol propi, m
ES título propio, m
An academic degree issued and only recognized by a particular university that certifies the completion of certain studies of this university.
new student, n
CA alumne -a de nou ingrés, m
ES alumno -na de nuevo ingreso, m
Students admitted to a specific academic year and who are enrolling or whose credits are being recognised for the first time on a degree programme.
non-class hour, n
An hour of supplementary tasks to classroom-based teaching, i.e. preparing classes, assessing learning outcomes, teamwork, marking, etc.
not-for-credit-internships, n pl
CA pràctiques extracurriculars, f pl
ES prácticas extracurriculares, f pl
Internships which are carried out voluntarily by students during their training period and which might lead to the awarding of credits despite not being included in their curricula.
N.B. The internships can be carried out in companies, organizations or institutions, including the UIB. As these are primarily formative in nature none of the obligations assigned to an employment contract are derived form them. These internships are managed by the DOIP or other organizations.
official combined education programme, n
double degree programme, n
Abbreviation PCEO, n
CA programa combinat d’ensenyament oficial, m
Sigla PCEO m
ES programa combinado de enseñanza oficial, m
Sigla PCEO, m
A curricular pathway that leads to the award of two official qualifications at the same time.
official e-noticeboard, n
Abbreviation ENB, n
A service available on the e-services portal where resolutions and administrative proceedings are published in accordance with what is set out in Article 45 in Act 39/2015 of 1st October on Common Administrative Procedures for Public Administrations and the relevant regulations for each procedure.
Official Gazette of the Government of the Balearic Islands, n
Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands, n
Abbreviation BOIB, n
The official publication of Government of the Balearic Islands publicly announcing laws and acts from the Balearic Parliament, regional government decrees and other provisions which require publication before coming into force.
Official Gazette of the Spanish Government, n
Abbreviation BOE, n
Official journal where the Spanish government publishes laws, regulations and other mandatory acts.
official recognition, n
CA homologació, f
ES homologación, f
Official recognition of the equivalence between a foreign qualification and an official Spanish qualification with validity throughout the national territory.
Official University Gazette, n
Abbreviation FOU, n
The official publication of the University of the Balearic Islands for announcing privisions, agreements and resolutions of general interest to the university community passed by different university bodies.
ombudsperson, n
The individual responsible for defending and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all members of the university community.
on secondment status, n
A temporary administrative status for civil servants who take up a different position from their own pot due to urgent or immediate service requirements.
N.B. Secondment may be voluntary or mandatory.
on suspension status, n
The administrative status of civil servants who have been disciplined due to disciplinary or judicial proceedings and are temporarily removed from their duties.
online examination, n
A set of activities students do online. They are aimed at assessing their knowledge and abilities with regard to course content.
(online) self-enrolment, n
(online) self-registration, n
CA automatrícula, f
ES automatrícula, f
A process where students formalise their own enrolment from any computer connected to the internet.
open-book exam, n
open call, n
public call, n
open day, n
A set of public relations activities where the university promotes its facilities and available programmes to different sectors of the general public, over one or several days.
open science, n
A collaborative, open and transparent approach to science in all research stages, data collection, peer review, outreach, assessment, etc. In addition, this approach aims to build bridges between science and society.
opening ceremony of the academic year, n
A solemn academic ceremony to declare the official start of the academic year.
optional subject, n
CA assignatura optativa, f
ES asignatura optativa, f
A subject that is chosen by each university as part of a curriculum and that students have the option to study in order to obtain all the required credits.
order of precedence, n
order of priority, n
CA ordre de prelació, m
ES orden de prelación, m
The order of preference set when allocating places on specific degree programmes, based on criteria established by the university.
organic law, n
A law governing the implementation of fundamental rights and public freedoms, statutes of regional autonomy, the electoral system and other areas specifically set out in the Spanish Constitution.
N.B. Organic laws require an absolute majority in the Spanish Congress of Deputies for approval, amendment or repeal.
overall grade, n
overall mark, n
The final score obtained from all marks awarded for continuous assessment activities. It may be supplemented by a final assessment (i.e. exams, coursework, practicals, etc.).
pair work, n
A system of organising learning activities in classrooms, where students work in pairs for a specific exercise or assignment. The main aim is to raise peer interaction through collaborative tasks.
part-time student, n
CA alumne -a a temps parcial, m i f
ES alumno -na a tiempo parcial, m i f
Students who are accredited with part-time status since their personal circumstances mean they cannot undertake studies with the same dedication as a full-time student.
pass, to, v tr
Being awarded a pass mark in a subject, examination, course, etc.
performance appraisal, n
A constructive process measuring and assessing an employee's work performance with regard to targets and standards set by the institution. It provides a clear, objective overview of a worker's performance stating their strengths and areas of improvement.
personal academic transcript, n
CA certificat acadèmic personal, m
ES certificado académico personal, m
A document through which the official character of an academic record of a student or graduate is recognized, according to the information that the university has.
N.B. It contains the student’s personal information, the main characteristics of the degree, the subjects that the student has passed (typology and mark obtained) and the credit distribution, according to the official curriculum.
place allocation, n
place assignment, n
postgraduate degree,n
postgraduate qualification, n
CA títol de postgrau, m
ES título de posgrado, m
The degree that a student obtains after completing the postgraduate studies.
postgraduate studies, n pl
CA estudis de postgrau, m pl
ES estudios de posgrado, m pl
Official studies taken after a diploma, undergraduate degree or bachelor’s degree.
practical exercise, n
An objectively assessed activity regarding the level of attainment of practical content in a subject area. Where these activities are part of an examination, they are often done in-person.
practical sessions, n pl
practicals, n pl
CA pràctiques, f pl
ES prácticas, f pl
The period during which a person works in an organization in order to obtain the required practical training to develop a future professional activity.
practicum, n
CA pràcticum, m
ES prácticum m
A subject of a certain degree during which students take practical sessions in institutions, organizations or companies along with professionals.
preregistration, n
CA preinscripció, f
ES preinscripción, f
An administrative procedure that students that want to study a university degree with a limited number of places have to take, and through which they must indicate, in order of preference, the studies they want to start and the universities in which they want to study them.
EN President, n
EN Vice Chancellor, n
principal investigator, n
principal researcher, n
A researcher who acts as the supervising scientist and administrator on a project, for a group of researchers, at an R&D centre, etc.
private university, n
A university that does not receive public funds but is financed from its own revenue (mainly tuition fees, private donations or patents filed by its researchers) and, therefore, not under public control.
process assessment, n
An assessment performed by systematically analysing a programme to find out whether it effectively and efficiently implements its operational processes. It is used to detect strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as outline strategies to improve the programme’s operational effectiveness.
(professional) career, n
An individual’s employment duties and experiences throughout their professional life.
professional membership, n
Where an individual who meets all the set requirements registers with a professional association.
profile, n
A set of personal details and other information a user may share over computer applications for different purposes.
programme compensation, n
An extraordinary assessment system enabling students to finish their programmes although they have not passed all credits on the curriculum. It comprises globally assessing students' academic track record and work.
N.B. Students mus fulfil a set of requirements established by the university in order to make this request.
project, n
A set of coordinated and monitored activities with start and end dates that are undertaken to attain a goal in accordance with specific requirements, including time, cost and resource constraints.
provisional degree certificate, n
CA certificat supletori del títol, m
ES certificado supletorio del título, m
Document that replaces the official degree certificate, with the same legal effects, and that is used until the official degree certificate is finally issued.
public employee, n
A worker who undertakes paid duties in public administration in the service of general interest. This legal relationship is governed by administrative or labour law.
public opening hours, n pl
public opening times, n pl
The times an organisation is open to the public to deal with their enquiries.
public university, n
A university that is primarily financed with public funds and is structured as a public administration.
qualified majority, n
A voting system requiring a number of votes constituting sixty per cent of the total membership for agreements to be adopted.
N.B. Most agreements require a simple majority for approval. Where other majority types apply, this must be specifically stated.
quality assurance, n
A set of planned systematic activities undertaken in a quality assurance system which have been deemed necessary to provide an adequate level of assurance that the institution will comply with required quality standards.
quality assurance commission, n
Abbreviation QAC, n
The commission at each permanent service or unit that oversees quality and ensures on-going improvement at the institution.
quota place, n
reserved place, n
CA reserva de places, f
ES reserva de plazas, f
The right for students to have a place reserved for them on requested courses after having been admitted in accordance with the conditions set by the university
ratification agreement, n
A provision approved by the Social Council affecting a wide range of individuals or situations.
Rector, n
Vice-Chancellor, n
CA rector -a, m i f
ES rector -ra, m i f
The highest academic authority in a university.
regulatory agreement, n
A provision approved by the Governing Council affecting a wide range of individuals or situations.
remote examination, n
An examination held at a different location to students' usual educational institution.
N.B. 'Remote examination' is often used to refer to online examination.
research activity period, n
A research period lasting six calendar years or annual fractions equal to or above eight months, which may or may not run consecutively.
research career, n
A four-stage process: pre-doctoral training, post-doctoral training, pre-consolidation and consolidation of researchers. It provides them with the tools to enable and strengthen their career development.
N.B. This process supports research staff mobility between countries and the academic and business spheres.
research fellowship, n
research grant, n
Funding awarded for students to join a research team, usually at a university, and undertake a research project on a specific topic.
researcher training, n
CA formació d'investigadors, f
ES formación de investigadores, f
A set of activities that foster the attainment and development of the necessary knowledge, skills and attidudes of students and lecturers to successfully undertake productive activities linked to research in the areas of science and technology.
N.B. Training of researchers takes place at pre-doctoral level.
resit examination, n
An examination students sit again to pass a subject they failed in an ordinary session
resit1 (examination), n
support classes2, n
1. An exam that students sit to pass a subject they failed in a previous exam session.
2. A set of extra classes or activities offered to students as extra support in acquiring knowledge and skills.
results evaluation, n
Evaluation of a programme’s outcomes with regard to a set of pre-established goals.
sabbatical year, n
A 12-month period of paid leave awarded to lecturers by certain universities for scientific and research purposes.
schoolbook, n
textbook, n
A teaching book that includes essential content for a subject and, at times, the necessary exercises for learning, in line with the course level in question.
school insurance, n
CA assegurança escolar, f
ES seguro escolar, m
A contract that establishes, in exchange for a specific sum, the coverage of the expenses of accident, illness or public liability of a student or a group of students of an educational institution.
scientific article, n
scientific paper, n
A written document comprising original research findings that is selected for publication in accordance with specific quality criteria.
scientific excellence, n
The capacity of individuals, research teams, or bodies and institutions to excel in research.
scientific communication, n
Public dissemination of new scientific knowledge that takes place in two settings: first, within the scientific community, and then, within society at large.
self-assessment, n
Assessment approach where learners assess their own attainment of knowledge, skills or methods.
N.B. The opposite of teacher/lecturer assessment.
self-regulation, n
The process whereby learners are in command of their own thoughts, actions, emotions and motivation level through personal strategies to attain the goals they have set for themselves.
semester, n
CA semestre, m
ES semestre, m
The portion of an academic year during which a certain number of subjects are taught.
N.B. The academic year is divided into two semesters. Usually, each semester consists of 5 subjects of 6 credits.
seminar, n
A group dynamic technique, generally for smaller groups, comprising working sessions where the group researchers a topic under the supervision of a lecturer or expert.
senate, n
university senate, n
The highest representation and governance body of a university comprising the Vice Chancellor, who presides over it, and members representing teaching and research staff, students, and administration and service staff. It is governed by statutes that set out its member structure, organisation and operating standards.
N.B. It is responsible for producing, modifying and, where applicable, implementing the statutes; overseeing management for governance posts and bodies at the university; approving the general areas of activity at the university and, in extraordinary circumstances, calling an election for a new Vice Chancellor.
service record, n
A document setting out employees' service history.
N.B. Service records includes employment status, salary, positions held, secondments, academic and professional qualifications, leaves of absence, etc.
service status at other public administrations, n
The administrative status of a full civil servant who moves to a position at a different public administration through job transfer or appointment procedures.
simple majority, n
A voting system requiring more than half of the total number of votes cast or, where applicable, more ballots cast than for any of the other available options for agreements to be adopted.
N.B. Most agreements require a simple majority for approval. Where other majority types apply, this must be specifically stated.
single assessment, n
An assessment method in a single academic activity which students have the right to request for specific subjects on each degree programme, where the requirements for continuous assessment cannot be met.
N.B. The request for this method must be justified: employment, health, etc.
single-member body, n
A body comprising a single member.
N.B. The following are single-member bodies: the President and Vice Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Secretary General, the Head of Administration, and their deputies, any Delegate of the President and Vice-Chancellor, deans, heads of schools, departments and university research institutes, and their deputies, faculty, school, department and university research institute secretaries, as well as any other that may be established in regulations.
single record, n
CA acta única, f
ES acta única, f
A record managed in Acadèmic that includes all enrolled students at the time it is created and sets out the final marks for all students.
N.B. The single record in Acadèmic is given the name ‘single assessment’.
six-year seniority bonus, n
six-year period, n
Additional pay on top of the base salary received by university lecturers for full six-year seniority periods, awarded by ANECA to recognise their research work.
small group, n
CA grup petit, m
CA petit grup, m
ES grupo pequeño, m
ES pequeño grupo, m
An adjusted student group size to form a working group for learning activities.
special service status, n
The administrative status of a civil servant who temporarily leaves their position to take up public posts or duties.
N.B. Special status applies to civil servants who take up a political post, either through elections or by appointment, e.g. central, regional or local government posts, or as members of parliament.
specialisation, n
speciality, n
A specialised focus or topic on a degree programme awarded where students take specific subjects.
specific competence, n
CA competència específica, f
ES competencia específica, f
The competence that belongs to a specific field of knowledge or profession that results from the capability to apply skills and knowledge in new situations in that profession or field of knowledge.
speech, n
A speech is a formal talk with a specific length and topic which someone gives to an audience.
sponsor, n
An individual or legal body who provides partial or total funding for a cultural or sports event, publications, etc. usually in exchange for publicity.
standard, n
A quality or excellence level set by accredited external bodies or internally which an organisation must attain.
strategic plan, n
A plan with proposed medium-term institutional and educational initiatives that include financial, strategic and organisational planning to fulfil the organisation's mission and specific future goals.
strategy, n
A planned set of activities to attain short- or long-term goals.
student assembly, n
student government, n
In a university, the highest and independent body of student representation that centralizes and coordinates this representation.
student assistant placement, n
student assistant position, n
CA plaça d’alumne –a col·laborador –a, m i f
ES plaza de alumno –na colaborador –ra, m i f
Post that can be applied for, through a call for applications, by students enrolled in any degree offered by the UIB who fulfill the requirements demanded.
N.B. There are three student assistant categories: A (collaborating in research tasks, linked to the teaching and researching staff in the faculties and schools), B (collaborating in research and practical tasks, linked to university services) and C (collaborating in projects for the innovation and improvement of the teaching quality).
student delegation, n
CA delegació d’estudiants, f
ES delegación de estudiantes, f
An association of students of the same degree or faculty that represents the interests of these students.
student recruitment, n
A set of planned activities aimed at potential future students. The activities seek to provide information about available programmes, services and leisure activities at a specific university.
student with special educational needs, n
Students who require temporary, permanent or extraordinary educational assistance that represents a disadvantage of difficulty for learning in comparison to other students. This assistance is necessary for them to fully reach and develop their learning potential.
study programme, n
curriculum, n
CA pla d’estudis, m
ES plan de estudios, m
The programme of a particular degree that structures in years, stages and periods all the contents, subjects and activities that have to be developed and whose successful completion leads to an official university degree.
subject, n
CA assignatura, f
ES asignatura, f
Contents subject to a programme that has to be taught by a teacher in a certain period of time and that is part of a curriculum.
subject area, n
CA matèria, f
ES materia, f
An academic teaching unit that is materialized in one or several subjects.
subject pre-requisite, n
subject requirement, n
A condition that students must fulfil in order to enrol or be assessed, such as passing a previous subject or a specific number of credits.
supplementary training, n
A set of activities in different areas organised by the university through services, institutes and city university centres that help students improve their skills.
syllabus, n
CA temari, f
ES temario, m
A set of topics comprising a subject, course, examination, etc.
symposium, n
A meeting between a limited number of individuals to discuss a problem, topic, etc. without any final agreement being required.
symposium, n
A meeting of a small group of specialists in a topic to look into issues linked to their activity and draw conclusions.
teacher training, n
Training based around a set of activities aimed at improving lecturers' scientific, technical and professional skill set.
teachers' assembly, n
A body for lecturers to participate in governance of the education centre, responsible for planning, coordinating, reporting and, where applicable, deciding on all academic issues at the centre.
teaching and research staff, n
Abbreviation PDI, n
Staff members responsible for teaching, research and academic management at the university.
N.B. Teaching and research staff comprise civil servants and contract lecturers.
teaching assessment, n
A procedure where lecturers request assessment of their teaching skills with a view to fostering continuous improvement in teaching and learning quality for university students.
teaching material, n
A set of elements, documents, technical resources, books, etc. used by lecturers to support teaching and learning activities for students.
teaching portfolio, n
A dossier produced by a lecturer/teacher with a view to outlining the scope and quality of their tecahing. It is also used as an assessment tool for lecturers and their institutions.
teaching unit, n
A plan of learning activities linked to other elements on the traching programme: goals, skills, methodology and assessment.
technical, management, and administration and services staff, n
Abbreviation PTGAS, n
Staff members responsible for technical, financial and administrative management. They also provide support, advice and assistance to academic authorities in the performance of their duties.
N.B. 1 Technical, management, and administration and services staff comprise civil servants and non-statutory employees, and are supervised by the Office of the Head of Administration.
N.B. 2 In accordance with Organic Law 2/2023 of 22nd March on the University System will now be known as Technical, Management, and Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS).
theory-based exercise, n
An objectively assessed activity regarding the level of attainment of theory-based content in a subject area. Where these activities are part of an examination, they are often done in-person.
thesis defence, n
viva voce, n
A PhD student’s public presentation and defence of their research in front of an expert panel.
training activity, n
A process comprising a set of training activities undertaken to attain goals set in a training plan.
academic record, n
CA expedient acadèmic, m
ES expediente académico, m
A set of documents in which administrative and academic information regarding a student is stated, such as the subjects studied, the centres or faculties in which these subjects are studied and the marks obtained.
transfer of results, n
A collaborative process enabling the exchange of research results between universities and R&D organisations in order to take full advantage of them.
tuition fees, n pl
tutor, to, v tr
Providing guidance, supervision or tutoring for a course, subject or piece of work undertaken by an individual or a group of students.
tutorial action plan, n
Abbreviation PAT, n
CA pla d’acció tutorial, m
Sigla PAT, m
ES plan de acción tutorial, m
Sigla PAT, m
An institutional management document at the university that involves a set of planned systematic tutorial activities in collaboration with the academic community, with a view to guiding, advising and supporting students throughout their university courses.
tutorial activity, n
A guidance activity undertaken by lecturers with students that contributes to boosting personal development (maturity, independence and the ability to take coherent and responsible decisions), monitoring their learning process and their school, academic and professional pathway.
tutoring, n
CA tutoria, f
ES tutoría, f
An individual support between lecturers and students, aimed at improving academic performance, solving academic problems and developing study and work habits.
UIB credentials, pl n
CA credencials UIB, f pl
ES credenciales UIB, f pl
Institutional credentials obtained from the Student Service Unit comprising a username and password for accessing online services on the UIBdigital platform, such as pre-registration, enrolment, etc. for university studies.
N.B. Students who take the university entrance exams (PBAU/EBAU) also require these credentials to perform the following procedures: enrolment, payment, checking exam locations, checking marks, etc.
UIB institute, n
A research centre addressing relevant scientific or social issues that is fully incorporated within the university's structure.
N.B. When not referring to the UIB, insert the name of the relevant university/organisation.
UIBdigital, n
CA UIBdigital, m
ES UIBdigital, m
Portal with personalized access which the UIB puts at the disposal of the entire university community which grants access to the telematic services of the university and whose aim is improving and accelerating administrative procedures.
undergraduate degree, n
undergraduate qualification, n
A university programme leading to the award of a degree that enables graduates to work in specific professions.
undergraduate degree, n
undergraduate qualification, n
CA carrera universitària, f
ES carrera universitaria, f
A university programme leading to the award of a degree that enables graduates to work in specific professions.
union representative, n
An employee elected by and form other emmployees at the same organisation or workplace who are union members. Their duties include union activities, and promoting and defending the rights and interests of union members.
university assets, n pl
university heritage, n
All assets, encumbrances and liabilities of universities.
university autonomy, n
The distinctive ability of universities based on the principle of academic freedom that underpins teaching, research and study.
N.B. In accordance with the law, university autonomy includes establishing internal universtiy regulations; electing their own governance and representation bodies; creating internal research and teaching structures; writing curricula for study and research; selecting, training and promoting staff; establishing entry and academic progress regulations for students; issuing official and institution-specific qualifications; producing their own budgets and managing assets, and establishing lists and hierarchies for job positions and relations with other institutions.
university college, n
university school, n
A centre that organises university studies and its academic and administrative processes conducive to university degrees.
university development cooperation, n
Abbreviation CUD, n
The university's contribution to human social development from the areas of teaching and research. Its mission is to facilitate access to higher education for everyone, working towards equality for all.
university entrance examination, n
Abbreviation PBAU, n
CA prova de batxillerat per a l’accés a la Universitat, f
CA Sigla PBAU, f
ES prueba de bachillerato para el acceso a la Universidad, f
ES Sigla PBAU, f
An entrance examination that students holding a high-school diploma must sit if they wish to study for a degree.
N.B. Students on higher level vocational courses who wish to improve their admission mark may sit extra exams in subjects from the admission block for this examination.
university ID card, n
An ID card given to all members of the academic community that enables access to a wide variety of services, such as entry to certain restricted areas on the campus, monitoring PAS staff attendance, managing library loans, obtaining discounts at shops affiliated with the university, etc.
university ombudsman, n
CA síndic -a de greuges, m i f
ES defensor -ra universitario -ria, m i f
A person who defends and protects the legitimate rights and interests of all members of the university community.
university research institute, n
A centre mainly focused on scientific and technical research, or artistic creation.
N.B. The centre may be inter
University school director, n
University college director, n
CA director -a d’escola universitària, m i f
ES director -ra de escuela universitaria, m i f
A person that has the representation of a university school and that manages it.
upper secondary education, n
A learning stage that begins after obligatory secondary education for students and lasts between the ages of 16 and 18. Upon successfully passing this stage, students are awarded a bachillerato qualifications.
N.B. In spain, this qualification (equivalent to a high school diploma) enables students to sit the university entrance exam (PBAU).
user account, n
A set of permissions enabling users to access resources via an authentication process.
validated subject, n
CA assignatura convalidada, f
ES asignatura convalidada, f
An academically recognized subject that is studied and passed in another country, institution or faculty.
values, n pl
A set of universal principles governing the university community and used as guidelines for how to act and which skills to teach.
vice-rector, n
vice-president, n
CA vicerector -a, m i f
ES vicerrector -ra, m i f
Person whose task consists of assisting the Rector in the governing of the University by coordinating and directing the activities assigned to him or her by the Rector and practicing the Rector’s representation when it is delegated to him or her.
videoconferencing, n
A multimedia service enabling interaction between individuals or work groups who are physically at a distance. It is generally run over the internet so that participants may see and speak to one another.
vision, n
A description of an ideal medium- or long-term future situation at an organisation, used as a tool for strategic planning.
volunteer stay, n
A programme offering the chance to undertake volunteer tasks in the area of university development cooperation in partnership with different institutions.
waiting list, n
CA llista d’espera, f
ES lista de espera, f
A list of applicants who have not been admitted to the selected course and where there are no further admission lists.
N.B. Students’ positions on the list will depend on their admission grade and the cut-off mark.
weighting parameter, n
CA paràmetre de ponderacio, m
ES parámetro de ponderación, m
Assignment of a greater value to certain subjects whose qualifications are included in the admission score multiplied by one of these parameters.
N.B. The value of these parameters may vary from university to university and from degree to degree.
welcome, n
CA acollida, f
CA acolliment, f
ES acogida, f
Reception of a new student at the university.
N.B. There are generally activities to inform and guide new students about how the university works and how this affects them, as well as welcome activities organised by faculties and schools.
www.uib.cat, n
CA www.uib.cat, m
ES www.uib.cat, m
Domain which grants access to the oficial corporate web of the University of the Balearic Islands in its «.cat». version.
N.B. It can also be accessed via «.eu» and «.es» domain extensions.
Last update: january 2024